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发布日期:2024-11-18 07:40 点击次数:87
还没据说过“IP”?你out了!2015年,“IP”但是火爆文娱圈儿。无论近期的集中剧《太子妃升职记》、电视剧《芈月传》,还是前段技艺热播的《琅琊榜》、《盗墓札记》、《花千骨》在线av 中文,这些得回收视神话和票房佳绩的影视作品,无一例外都有相似的诞生配景:集中演义改编而来的IP剧简略IP电影。
This year has witnessed a batch of hot domestic TV dramas adapted from online novels, such as The Legend of Miyue, Nirvana in Fire, Journey of Flower, The Lost Tomb and others. The traditional TV dramas, web dramas and online videos are colliding and fusing in this new era featuring "IP". 2015年,改编自集中演义的热点国产电视剧大丰充,比如《芈月传》、《琅琊榜》、《花千骨》、《盗墓札记》等等。在“IP”剧盛行的新时期,传统电视剧、网剧、和集中视频产生碰撞与会通。
In China's entertainment industry, "IP", intellectual property, largely refers to popular online products such as a novel, game or even a song that can be developed into a potentially successful feature-length film or TV series. 在中国的文娱产业,"IP",也即是intellectual property(常识产权、文章权),多指流行的集中居品,比如集中演义、集中游戏、甚而集中歌曲,这些居品都有一个特色,即是不错改编成极具后劲的达正片长度的电影或电视剧。
IP,即Intellectual Property,直译是常识产权,它不错是一个故事,一种形象,一件艺术品,一种流行文化。更多的是指符合二次或屡次改编配置的影视体裁、游戏动漫等。IP剧,是指在有一定粉丝数目基础上的国产原创集中演义、游戏、动漫为题材创作改编而成的影视剧。站在IP背后的是多如牛毛的狂热粉丝和他们隔断小觑的花消才能。
In 2015, The Journey of Flower, a 58-episode fantasy romance series, adapted from an online novel, was broadcast on iQiyi some 7 billion times. 2015年,58集的仙侠奇幻IP剧《花千骨》在爱奇艺网站的播放量达到70亿次。
The first two episodes of the TV drama The Legend of Miyue attracted a record high 700 million hits on the web in just 24 hours. 仅在24小时内,《芈月传》前两集就在网上招引了7亿次点击量。
The Nirvana in Fire crossed the cultural barriers successfully and became a hit abroad. The drama has been aired in South Korea and was recommended by the convention board of this year's Discop Africa to countries on the continent. 《琅琊榜》收效跳动了文化遏止,在国外热映,包括韩国,还在Discop Africa非洲电视节上被不雅众委员会保举给非洲各个国度。
The hit online drama Go Princess Go, which was removed from the Internet a week ago, is back after producers cut one-third of the show. 热点网剧《太子妃升职记》一周前下线,删减1/3后重上线。
列位IP粉们在线av 中文,本年的IP剧是不是还没看够?别烦燥,2016IP剧火爆来袭。也一王人来策画下这些英文剧名的翻译和抒发吧。
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